Save on Prints

Saving money on your copier can seem like you are solving a puzzle sometimes. There are so many areas that money seems to be involved, and it can be difficult to see who is telling the truth. One of the most common places that people overspend is on their print contracts. Saving on prints doesn’t have to be hard, you just have to know the common mistakes that people make.

The first thing to know is that you should never take an unlimited print contract. There is no way that a leasing company won’t charge more if you start to use crazy amounts of prints. They will absolutely charge you if they start to lose money. Additionally, you will be overpaying for the prints you don’t need.

The next thing to understand is that almost all leasing companies will try and sell you more than you need. This is because they know that you most likely won’t need them, which is money in their pocket. Prints don’t rollover to the following month, so anything you don’t use is just you paying for nothing.

At San Jose Copier we recommend buying about 80% of what you think you will need on your busiest months. This will give you the ability to have slower months that you don’t need to waste money on unused prints. It also lets you be able to pay for what you need. The price itself might be a little higher to add additional prints mid-month, but it’s always better than paying for prints that you won’t use.

Saving on prints is all about limiting the waste that you are paying for. Companies may try and tell you that paying more for extra prints is a waste of money. The reality is that paying for unused prints is a far greater waste of money than paying for what you actually need.
