Xerox Trade-Ins

It’s fairly likely that your office’s old copier is still in reasonably good working condition and that your office has just expanded to the point that it now needs something which can perform more complex tasks at a more efficient rate. If this is the case, then make sure to check out Xerox’s trade-up program. Sharp-CopiersIt’s quite simple, just click on the following link to begin:

Make sure to do it within thirty days of buying your new machine. Find the value of your old machine’s trade-in, and call the company to see if they will make you an offer offline – in many cases they will. The next step is just to fill out a short form which should only take about five minutes. Then you should make sure to put together your proof of purchase and then fax or email these proofs to Xerox. After you have done all of this they will send you a pre-paid shipping label. Follow the instructions and send your old machine off to Xerox. Within a couple of months you will receive your rebate check for the old machine.

If you need any help with this kind of stuff or just want help finding the right copier for your office, please give me a call at (408) 740-4051 and we’ll get your San Jose area business the copier it needs.
