Are You Tired of Going in Circles with Your Lease?

How to Break the Current Cycle of Overpaying, magically!

If you have been buying copiers in San Jose the way they have been sold for years, here is something you should consider…  The copier companies like to have you under contract for years because it means they have a guaranteed revenue source for 5 years.  If they don’t perform service quickly and you can’t copy or print, it is unlikely you will automatically get a credit, you’ll have to ask and press…  However if you print or copy more copies for the month than on contract, you’ll always pay more.

So what can you do to help your copier situation in San Jose?  One solution is to have your copier contract on a year to year basis.  But do you really want to renegotiate every year?  The most simple solution is to have an out in your copier contract.  It could read something like this

“Leasee may cancel the supplies and service portion part of this contract at any time with 30 days written notice to Lessor without being required to pay for the prints or service portion for the remainder of this contract.   This amount is equal to ____ as per the current terms.”

This makes it so that if you get bad service you can get out of the service contract and go to a competitor.  It also allows you to itemize the equipment portion of the contract and ensure you are getting the best deal on both the equipment and the service!  Please give us a call if you need printer or copier help in San Jose!
